
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

European Summer University 2011

Bus drove youngs from Compiegne to Grandvilliers where Cllr M. Kehren welcomed the group and made a small tour of the town. La Balad'Irlandaise (Grandvilliers-Athy twinning committee) did the same in the outskirts of the town where was taking place the bbq. Members of the commitee, helped by Alain (of the local fishing club). Good food and "sieste" after were what youngs were needing. The four representing our town and Athy (Cianan Curran, Eddie Davis, Claire Teggin and Romain Depeaux) made a small speech to introduce themselves and thanks the town of Grandvilliers as well as the committee and Alain.
They left to Gerberoy where a guided tour of the village was made by Mrs Autricque, Maire.