
Monday, February 15, 2010

2009 AGM

Past Friday 12th at 7pm, took place our annual A.G.M . Chairperson J.P Vasseur rode annual moral report. Christian, vice-chairman,  rode activities report. Laurence, treasurer, rode accounts. We had a loss of 1533€ due to lack of grants from County council of Oise. No panic at all !
J.P rode projects for 2010.
Each report has been voted and agreed by the assembly.
Then Georgette Lahaye, chairwoman of F.C.J.O, congratulated our committee for so numerous activities.
M.F.R students, members of our new board. Right is our new secretary, Anaïs.

Jacques LARCHER, Town Chairman did the same.
Newspapers who attended Courrier Picard, Réveil and Bonhomme Picrd.
After official matters, each one had  food on the finger and drink..

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